• August 20, 2012 12:30:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Ness
    The final free public lecture in the Cancer Council Western Australia's annual lecture series. Melissa Sweet, Health Journalist from NSW, will present information on "How to google your cancer." More information at www.cancerwa.asn.au/cancer-update
  • August 13, 2012 12:30:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Ness
    nother free public lecture as part of Cancer Council's annual series of updates. Dr Jemma Gilchrist, Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre, NSW, will address these very real concerns post cancer. More information available at www.cancerwa.asn.au/cancer-upda...
  • July 23, 2012 12:30:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Ness
    First in a series of free public lectures by the Cancer Council Western Australia. This presentation is 'Our top 10 wins against cancer' by Professor Ian Olver, CEO, Cancer Council Australia. Further information is available at www.cancerwa.asn.au/c...
  • July 4, 2012 7:00:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Glenys
    Live chat session Wednesday 7-9pm WA time (9-11pm EST) in the Chatroom. Theme: ASK ANYTHING NIGHT. Do you have any questions or comments? Come and join our Breast Care Nurse in our live chat session to have your queries answered (where possible) and join ...
  • June 29, 2012 12:00:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Glenys
    TODAY 12pm-1pm WA time. As a trial, we will hold a lunchtime ClickChat session for the next few Fridays for an hour. Chat will be led by Glenys, our Breast Care Nurse, for anyone who cannot make Wed night chat or would just like a catch-up chat again. So ...
  • June 27, 2012 7:00:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Glenys
    Live chat session Wednesday 7-9pm WA time (9-11pm EST) in the Chatroom. Theme: LATEST RESEARCH. Where is treatment headed with breast cancer? Will chemotherapy soon be a 'thing of the past?' Come & join our live chat session to discuss topic & general cha...
  • June 21, 2012 12:00:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Glenys
    TODAY 12pm-1pm WA time. As a trial, we will hold a lunchtime ClickChat session for the next few Fridays for an hour. Chat will be led by Glenys, our Breast Care Nurse, for anyone who cannot make Wed night chat or would just like a catch-up chat again. So ...
  • June 20, 2012 7:00:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Glenys
    Live chat session Wednesday 7-9pm (WA time) in the Chatroom. Theme: DIETARY INFLUENCES. Does what we eat have any impact on recovery and long-term outcomes? Come & join our live chat session to discuss topic & general chat!
  • June 15, 2012 12:00:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Glenys
    TODAY 12pm-1pm WA time. As a trial, we will hold a lunchtime ClickChat session for the next few Fridays for an hour. Chat will be led by Glenys, our Breast Care Nurse, for anyone who cannot make Wed night chat or would just like a catch-up chat again. So ...
  • June 13, 2012 7:00:00 PM WATime
    1 guest led by Glenys
    Live chat session Wednesday 7-9pm (WA time) in the Chatroom. Theme: CONSIDERING RISK FACTORS & LIFESTYLE CHOICES (PART 2). What can YOU do to reduce your risk? We only managed to discuss a few factors involved in lifestyle choices last week, so will conti...