Im 36, married with 2 young children. Diagnosed 22nd February 2013, Grade 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Multi-focal in Right Breast. Bilateral Mastectomy booked for 12th March 2013.
45 YO wife & mother. DX Nov 2011 aged 42, 17mm grade 3 IDC ER+ PR+ 6/14 lymph nodes +, wide local excision followed by right axillary clearance 23/11/11. 3 x FEC then 3 x Docetaxil, 6 weeks rads finished June 2012 & now 5 yrs Tamoxifen.
49 YO mother of 2, DX MAR 11, 2 tumours, 2 cancers and I'm a fighting to win!! I take Tamoxifen every day and hope this will keep the little cancer critters away!
51YO married. DX: MARCH 2012,45mm HER2+ grade 3 IDC. Completed 1x TAC & 3x AC 18/6/2012. Upper RB Quadrantectomy 20/7/2012. Full axillary clearance (2/7 nodes) 10/8/2012. RB mastectomy 7/9/2012. Completed 10x Paclitaxel plus Herceptin 12/12/2012. 25x Rads finished 12/2/13. Herceptin finished 8/10/13
Prophylactic LB mastectomy shecduled for 18/11/13
DX 31 March 2010 @ 40yo;
2x lumpectomy (40mm), 20 nodes removed (14 crusty), ER+, Extensive DCIS, Grd2
Radical new chemo (3xEpi;3xPlax;3xCyt), 25xrads,
bilat skin sparing with immediat silicone recon, full hysterctomy.
Initially on Tamoxifen, now on Exemestane.
(My diary, no longer updated:
Now I live the life I should have, full of love, fun and adventure.
Happy to talk, share photos, discuss personal experiences.
I'm not up on all the terminology, so will put this is my own words. I am 53 & have 5 children, 2 step-children. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my L breast in Feb '12. I had a lumpectomy & then more surgery to clear my margins. Had chemo as well as radiotherapy because it was aggressive. My nodes were clear. My hormones were triple negative, so that was all of my treatment. Have had 2 checkups since finishing my treatment at the end of September, including a mammogram & ultrasound & am all clear at the moment.