Survey Information
You have been invited to fill out a survey about breast cancer support and information as part of a research project being conducted jointly by Breast Cancer Care of WA and Edith Cowan University - A comparison of online social networks and online communities for the provision of advice, support and information: Guidelines for health professionals. The survey can be completed and submitted online and will be collected by the research team through computer software. You are under no obligation to take part but we are immensely grateful if you choose to do so. A Who to Contact sheet is provided if you would like to speak to someone for support during or following the survey (See Forum Document).
If you do not wish to answer a particular question, you may leave it blank and move on to the next question. However, your answers are helping to inform important research and we appreciate your time and effort in completing the survey. The information you provide is completely confidential. This means that your name is not linked to the survey form.
Survey information will be processed using computer software and will be stored on university-owned computer hardware. Only the research team can access this information and the records are password protected. Any paper records produced will be stored in a locked filing cabinet at the university and all records will be destroyed 5 years after the research project is completed.
We would like to thank you for your willingness to participate in this important research. Your assistance means that, together, we are helping to reduce the risk of breast cancer and find better ways to support those who have been diagnosed.
Kind regards
Cynthia Witney
Researcher/PhD student
Edith Cowan University
(08) 9370 6560
Issued 02 May 2011
This post was edited by Cynthia at May 3, 2011 1:42:03 PM WATime"the Click Researcher