Interview Information
You have been invited to take part in an interview. You are under no obligation to take part in this interview and there are no consequences if you decide not to do so. The interview will be conducted by me – Cynthia Witney – in a place which is comfortable and convenient for you. This might be in a private room at Breast Cancer Care WA, ECU or in your own home. If you are uncomfortable with any of the questions asked, I will move on to the next question. I will be the only person present unless you would like someone else to attend with you. A Who to Contact sheet is provided if you would like to speak to a counsellor for support during or following the interview (See Document in Forum).
The interview will take approximately 1.5 hours of your time. The place and time of the interview will be discussed and confirmed with you.
Before the interview commences, I will answer any questions that you might have about the research or about how the interview is to be conducted. You will then be given the opportunity to speak about your experiences of support and access to information with regards to breast cancer. You do not have to share anything that you are not comfortable sharing.
The entire interview will be audio recorded but the information you provide is confidential and only a codename will identify you when the recording is transcribed.
Information will be kept on a password protected, university owned computer hard drive, and will be accessed only by members of the research team. Paper records will be stored in a locked filing cabinet at the university and all records will be destroyed 5 years after the research project is completed.
Thank you for your participation in this project.
Kind regards
Cynthia Witney
Researcher/PhD student
Edith Cowan University
(08) 9370 6560
Issued 02 May 2011
the Click Researcher