February 7, 2014 11:31:06 AM WATime
The following is a copy of 'pop-up' chat between gypsey & myself about this - wonderful to have the opportunity to discuss this directly ..
Glenys: Hi gypsey! Have read your query - did she use the word 'maceration'? Or iatrogenic injury?
gypsey: not really sure. But she identified it straight after I came out from surgery and told me to keep an eye on it. It has one very shiney/raw part to it and the other a redness. She told me to keep it covered which i have.
Glenys: Sounds like an allergic blister reaction to tape ..
gypsey: I have steri strips on it now even though it is not part of the incision. Do you think I should put some sort of cream on it or just keep covered and let it heal?
Glenys: Can you describe it a bit more to me? Where exactly is it? How large an area? Is it like a burn or 'popped' blister? How close to your wound? Was tape over the top of it? Usually no bandage is used on breast wounds so not sure how a bandage could have caused it (or did you mean tape?)
gypsey: it is about 2 inches below my axillary incision but nearer to my incision for the lumpectomy. The nurse said that they covered the lumpectomy incision which was still recovering when I went in for the axillary, she said that it was too tight and that she had seen this sort of wound before and it was very distinctive and i should watch it. It is not like blister like, more like a burn and about as big as a 10 cent piece so not really that big.
Glenys: Is the skin torn? (a skin tear?)
Glenys: Did she call it a friction burn?
Glenys: Or shearing injury?
gypsey: i really cant remember the name, I should have asked. It had a black spot. I will upload a pic is that ok?
Glenys: Yes please
gypsey: just got son to take it...will add to this profile if i can work out how.
Glenys: Add to your album - yes
gypsey: done hope you can see it?
Glenys: I'll have a look
Glenys: Thanks - that's so helpful to see it!! Now I know exactly what you're talking about! Yes it is a desquamation injury - also could be called maceration damage or iatrogenic injury - any of those terms can be used. It is basically an area of skin damage from either a reaction to tape or friction burn. Can be very sore due to damage to skin nerve endings! - hurts!! You treat it like a mild burn - and as it looks dry it doesn't need to be covered. Using an emollient such as sorbolene cream or Lanolin or Bepanthene (any gentle non-perfumed cream) to keep moistened will help avoid cracking and aid healing. Looks like it's healing well already
Glenys: I'll post this in response to your query in Forum
gypsey: thanks so much for your time.
Glenys: No probs! Do you mind if I post this conversation as the response in Forum? (here it is totally private between you & me - in forum it will be there for all to see
gypsey: yes thats fine...should i keep the pic up? i dont mind as it may help others.
Glenys: That'd be terrific! It's not revealing and is very helpful for anyone to understand ..
gypsey: ok thanks very much for for the advise.
Glenys: Here any time gypsey .. (except when working in Breast Clinic 3 days a week) .. happy to help!
NB: To view the pic of wound please go to gypsey's profile and view photo album ...
Cheers, Glenys (Click Breast Care Nurse) xxx
The Click Breast Care Nurse