Five weeks, 6 days 0 hours ago I located a lump in my right breast ... in a spot that I'd had a few *niggles* over the previous few months.
As I could never feel anything I just put it down to the curse of hormones. Besides .. I'd had a breast screen only 5 months earlier - and that was clear.And really, this is only just the size of a plump pea.
Off to the doctor - yes she could feel it & recommended a mammogram & ultrasound.
"It's probably nothing, but let's just be sure"
6 days later .. having decided to not wait, we're off to have the tests.Mammogram - check. Ultrasound ... hmmm this needs further investigaton. "I'm confident it's nothing, but let's just be sure" .. "You're GP didn't request a core biopsy? Ok ... well it really is probably nothing.. but let's just be sure". I went back to work.
10 days later... core biopsy. A little bit ouchie, but no huge dramas. "Test results will take about 48hrs, but hey, we've just had a public holiday so more than likely Monday.Go home,.. relax. It's probably nothing" I went back to work.
The following late afternoon .. 5.24pm to be exact, getting ready to leave work (I'm always there - I love my job!) .. GP reception calls .. "DR would like to see you straight away" .... quick phone call to hubby to meet me there. "Don't stress ... it's probably nothing & he's just wanting to give us the good news!"
6.03pm ... "I'm so sorry Susan, we thought it was nothing.. but all 4 core samples show postitive" ... Core samples?? What? I'm a gold mine?? Positive for what??
Cancer ... BAM!! Oh God .. nope .. nope .. it's all good .. say again? Don't you be messing with me here coz the Wallabies play better rugby than the Springboks!!
He wasn't joking .. and we weren't laughing.
We were numb & a feeling of the surreal began. We left the office in a daze with the promise of a phone call the following morning to discuss next steps. "Take your time .. there's no need to make a decision right now."
We held each other & cried in the car park.
5 days later .. appointment with a breast surgeon at Royal Perth Hospital. Ok .. all good .. we'll just find out when he's going to remove this thing & I'll be back at work the next day .. well maybe the day after that! But no - he's not happy as the lump seems bigger than the ultrasound suggests. He wants MRI scans before deciding how to proceed. More tests? Yes .. and if it's as big as he seems to think .. there won't be any surgery until after a course of chemo to shrink the tumor. WHAT?? That wasn't in the plan!! Can I time the chemo so I can go after work on a Friday & then be ok to be back at work on Monday? Errrr ... possibly not. Let's just get the MRI booked.
7 days later ... MRI scan. Seriously? I have to pop the girls into those stubbie holders & lie still while you inject some dye in my vein?? Ok - you're serious. But can we move this along coz I really would like to get back to work.
7 days later ... back to see McYummy (my pet name for my surgeon) & the MRI confirms our fears. The tumour is as big as he suspected 4.5cm x 5cm & our next step is chemo. CRAP! But also a CT scan & bone scans & receptor results from the original biopsy... BUGGER!! Then the Oncologist... but wait for it - coz this could take another couple of weeks. WHAT!! SERIOUSLY?? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T PLAY THIS WAITING GAME FOR ANOTHER 2 WEEKS!!!!
Fortunately the amazing care staff at Royal Perth were able to perform the incredible, & an appointment was booked for the folloing day for the tests & then the Oncologist appointment for the following Monday.
That was yesterday .. and the feeling of surreal continues.
I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma - Stage IIB - IIIA.
The test results show a spread to the first lymph nodes.
So next week 12/4/2012 I begin TAC - 3 hours of poison pumped into my body.
The plan is to have 3 sessions - 1 every 3 weeks & then a review to determine if the treatment is shrinking the tumour. Further treatment will be decided then.
So here I am ...Waiting ... just waiting. Not sleeping. Not wanting to eat.
And all the while, the lump gets bigger. Yes.. it's growing. I swear I can hear it. I can certainly feel it. From the time of discovery to where I sit now .. that plump pea has now invited the whole garden to go forth & multiply in half my breast.
My poor 51yr old post 3 breastfed baby breast is swollen & heavy & itchy & bloody uncomfortable. It's looking quite luscious again if I do say so myself - the other one is looking like the abnormal one. But I know better.
I hate this ... I hate the waiting. I hate the bloody inconvenience.
I don't feel sick. I don't look sick .. unless you count the dark circles & bags under the eyes. But that's just from lack of sleep! I'M NOT SICK !!! But they're planning to give me poison that will make me sick so I can get better? There's something not quite right with that.
But anyway.. we move forward & we become closer, my hubby & I. We'll do this - absolutely 100% no doubt.
Is it time for work yet??
51YO married. DX: MARCH 2012,45mm HER2+ grade 3 IDC. Completed 1x TAC & 3x AC 18/6/2012. Upper RB Quadrantectomy 20/7/2012. Full axillary clearance (2/7 nodes) 10/8/2012. RB mastectomy 7/9/2012. Completed 10x Paclitaxel plus Herceptin 12/12/2012. 25x Rads finished 12/2/13. Herceptin finished 8/10/13
Prophylactic LB mastectomy shecduled for 18/11/13
DXJUN11, LOBC grade2 2 tumours 16 of 20 lymph infect. LB mastec, chemo FEC & Taxotere, 25 Radiation t'ments
The Click Project Coordinator
Daughter-in-law and niece of breast cancer "thrivers"!
The Click Breast Care Nurse
Thankyou all for the welcome .. it was lovely to get up this morning after another sleepless night & find the support.
As far as the hair loss aspect goes Glenys .. and I must say my hair would be my biggest vanity) .. I orignally had another appointment booked with my *lady* for Friday next week for the usual 6 weekly pampering. But obviously there was a sharp left turn in the meantime that changed my direction.
Once I finally knew that chemo was definitely going to be my first stage of treatment I had decided to have all my shoulder length curls cut quite short so the hair loss wouldn't be as traumatic. Having said that - it would still be traumatic for me.
Now that I know the treatment starts Thursday next week, my lovely *lady* has kindly rescheduled my appointment to the Wednesday.
So the day before chemo starts I will still have my pampering session & a new do for the next day. Not exactly the hot date I had in mind .....
As far as the actual hair loss aspect goes - it was explained that it will occur around week 3 .. that's about it.
My wonderful friends have decided to take me wig shopping .. who knows what I'll come back with!!!
Off to work now!
Cheers. Susan :)
This post was edited by SusanS at April 4, 2012 8:27:11 AM WATime"51YO married. DX: MARCH 2012,45mm HER2+ grade 3 IDC. Completed 1x TAC & 3x AC 18/6/2012. Upper RB Quadrantectomy 20/7/2012. Full axillary clearance (2/7 nodes) 10/8/2012. RB mastectomy 7/9/2012. Completed 10x Paclitaxel plus Herceptin 12/12/2012. 25x Rads finished 12/2/13. Herceptin finished 8/10/13
Prophylactic LB mastectomy shecduled for 18/11/13
DXJUN11, LOBC grade2 2 tumours 16 of 20 lymph infect. LB mastec, chemo FEC & Taxotere, 25 Radiation t'ments
49yo mother, DX Dec 2010, invasive lobular cancer, stage 2, grade II, lumpectomy, nodes clear, chemo, bilateral MX and expanders May 2011, silicone implants June 2011,Tamoxifen.