Most people know who I am by now (if you're not familiar, I introduced myself in the forum). But one thing some may not know is that after my second year post diagnosis checkups, I dismissed myself from RPH's care and have not had any followup mammogram, ultrasound or specialist care since. I don't even discuss my diagnosis with my GP...
I wouldn't recommend doing this to anyone, as I have since found out a bit more about my triple negative diagnosis, and I now have upcoming appointments on the 30th and 31st Aug. I know its VERY important to have checkups and tests, but living my life without the stress has been wonderful!
What I need your advice on, is now that I have my appointment, its drawing closer, I'm freaking out! What if it returns and I need more chemo? I'm more frightened of chemo than anything else... A diagnosis and surgery or rads I can cope with, but I didn't do so well on the chemo. I just feel like crawling under the doona and hiding :(
How do you cope? Do you have relaxation techniques you use? What do you tell yourself (or do) to give yourself the courage to turn up at the checkup appointments? What goes through your mind when you go for checkups. Is everyone else freaking out too or am I just a big baby :(
Please help and let me know your experiences, as I think it would help to know I'm not the only one....
Thank you xoxo Jo
This post was edited by jojo at August 21, 2012 10:18:37 AM WATime"
Dx May 2005 aged 25, Triple Negative, 25mmx18mmx20mm grade 3 invasive atypical medullary tumour, Axillary Clearance 1/15 lymph nodes positive (sentinal node only), Lumpectomy, Chemotherapy (FEC), Radiotherapy, LB only, now Mama to Patrick born 12/6/2013.
DXJUN11, LOBC grade2 2 tumours 16 of 20 lymph infect. LB mastec, chemo FEC & Taxotere, 25 Radiation t'ments
45 YO wife & mother. DX Nov 2011 aged 42, 17mm grade 3 IDC ER+ PR+ 6/14 lymph nodes +, wide local excision followed by right axillary clearance 23/11/11. 3 x FEC then 3 x Docetaxil, 6 weeks rads finished June 2012 & now 5 yrs Tamoxifen.