June 4, 2012 4:34:33 PM WATime
Hi Jane
I'm sorry to hear you're still having troublesome discomfort from the armpit area. We spoke on the phone (from clinic) last week, and I know you have seen a physiotherapist as well to help manage discomfort in this area, but it should be settling down by now.
It does sound to me that you may have a collection of fluid in the lymph node area after the surgery called a 'seroma' - which is the fluid that leaks into the area during the healing process. Everyone will have a small amount of seroma fluid around the site of a healing wound after surgery, but for some this collection is larger and becomes uncomfortable, and for others even a small amount is uncomfortable (especially in the armpit area). When this happens, drainage of the fluid often helps to ease discomfort. This is done using a needle - which may sound painful but often cannot be felt or has only minimal discomfort. Seroma collections are not harmful, and if not a large volume, the fluid will gradually be re-absorbed by the body.
I do really hope you have had further improvement today Jane. If not, and you don't already have a review appointment tomorrow (Tues) in place, please ring the clinic tomorrow morning after 8am and ask to speak with one of the nurses. An appointment can be arranged for you to attend tomorrow afternoon for review if required. Meanwhile taking medication such as Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen to ease discomfort would be recommended until this resolves for you.
NB: If there is any sign of infection (redness, increasing pain, fever) then more urgent attention is recommended either with your treating team or local GP - or if condition more severe and not able to easily attend the above, then attending a hospital emergency department is recommended.
Generally the surgery should not cause ongoing discomfort in the manner you have described Jane, and I am very keen to help resolve this for you. Please let me know how things go. xx
The Click Breast Care Nurse