Recent Entries

  • Stop the train!

    Ok so today was a bugger! Woke up at 4am couldn't back to sleep so feeling very tired and weepy. Got to RPH, first appointment was at the Breast Clinic at 8.30, for biopsy of small lump and tagging the larger one with a clip. Unfortunately because my breastie dumpling was protesting at all the pokin...
  • Oncologist

    So all set for a relaxing day to today...until 9am when I got a call asking if I could pop in at 2pm to see Dr Redfern, the oncologist. Off I trot on the train again,dragging hubby along for secretarial support! So upshot is I have a grade 3, ductal breast cancer which is HER 2negative. So feeling v...
  • Tired

    So after last weeks shenanigans, I had a quiet weekend in the garden, pottering around. Have to say it's been good for the soul. I'm feeling very tired at the moment but it's spaced out with burst of frantic energy, cos even though I'm tired I can't relax enough to snooze. Tuesday I have the heart s...
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  • 1st minor Op

    So yesterday me and hubby left the house about 5am and yet again got the train to Perth. We arrived at outpatients for 6.30 and I was whisked up to get ready for the biopsy op on my lymph nodes. The first wee nurse gave two gowns (1 to be open at the back and a dressing gown to put over. I goes in t...
  • The hulk

    So today I had my first ever encounter with nuclear medicine! I turned up all bright n bushy tailed ( well not really as I'm still knackered from yesterday) I was given two gowns to put on, one open at the front and one at the back, so I was decent. I goes into the room and the two nurses/technician...
  • The Smurf

    Well that was a bloody long day! Had my first appointment today @9am, met the lovely Glenys and dr Jackson. Soooo after a an early train ride on the transperth equivalent of a sardine tin, plus side, I got a seat, negative side I was sat at just the right height to have someone's crotch in my face, ...
  • The Show

    So me and hubby went off to the Perth show today for a look around. It was 5 years ago since the last time we'd ventured up there and I can't say it's changed much. I did however come away with a box of Crispy Creme donuts, a bag of cheese and hubby got some wine. The highlight of the day however ha...
  • Luck

    Have to say that one of the positives about the hitchhiker is how fantastic my friends and family have been. I've had flowers and cards, messages of support and today some of my mates gave me a care package they'd put together! I was really touched, they obviously know me, because it included vodka,...
  • Sleep

    Well here I am again awake at 4am. Yesterday was a really wobbly day, I hadn't cried the two days before but yesterday I just felt off and weepy. My friend back in Scotland had sent me some flowers, and that just tipped me over. It was such a nice gesture and unexpected, I've had flowers and cards f...
  • The Onion

    I've decided my mind are thoughts are like an onion where bc is concerned. I have the outermost layer, the brown covering that holds the rest in, I class this as general thoughts and immediate problems. Then I have the thicker fleshy parts, organising and arranging for what's to come. In the centre ...